A Time for Reflection: What We’re Thankful for

Without a doubt, this year has been unique, to say the least. Like the rest of the world, we were thrown a sharp curveball leaving us to quickly adapt, remain productive, and keep our business operations moving forward without a hiccup. Keeping our teams and clients safe, motivated, and focused on the task at hand amidst many uncertainties truly tested our resilience as a company. 2020 will be talked about for years and years to come, but even with the dramatic twists and turns that are still affecting us today, the MediaMint team took time to reflect. Teasing out the positives from this year is of great importance to us, no matter how big or small they may be.
Whether it was double-checking to make sure our microphones weren’t accidentally muted, or in some cases making sure they were muted or going outside to get a hint of fresh air and some steps in, working from home presented new challenges to the uninitiated. Along with the challenges, WFH brought the opportunity to spend irreplaceable time with family, touch up some cooking skills that might have been left behind, and acknowledge what is most important to us. Here at MediaMint, we spent time thinking about what we are most thankful for in a year that will unquestionably go down in the history books:
“Reflecting on this past year and the challenges it presented, I am incredibly thankful for my family who always reminds me what is important in life, my friends who always focus on the bright side, my MediaMint colleagues around the world who bring their best day in and day out, and our wonderful clients who have given us their trust and appreciation as we all work together to delight customers. I’m blessed to be surrounded and supported by so many incredible individuals.” – Jason, President
“This year has made me immensely proud of the people I work with. From our teams at MediaMint, I’ve learned what matters to each of them and what has kept them going. Being separated meant learning how to trust each other and respect the process. Through it all, we’ve shared the highs and lows. No birthday was forgotten, no meme went unshared. We celebrated achievements and personal milestones. In retrospect, it would’ve been difficult to pull through without a strong family and such great colleagues!” – Monisha, Content Management
“This year I’m thankful for family, friends, work, health, and my dogs, too. For many years I’ve done a Friendsgiving abroad, but this year we will be doing a lot of Zoomsgiving meetings, perhaps so many that we won’t notice Zoom lifting the 40-minute limit! So I’ll also give thanks for living in a world where technology allows us to carry on much of our daily routines, have all our basic needs met and still be able to work from home and see and interact with friends and family.” – Scott, Business Development
“2020 has been a roller coaster that made me realize how family, friends, health, and work should never be taken for granted. I am thankful for having an amazing family support system and for discovering that there are kind people all over the world who are ready to offer a helping hand, even if they don’t know you at all!” – Jacob, Solutions Engineering
“This year has been very challenging for everyone. I’m most thankful for the frontline warriors who have instilled hope in us, for the teachers who ensured that students would continue to learn, and for technology that has not only provided us with critical information through broadcast and social media but has also allowed us to work seamlessly with our teams.”– Rushab, Creative Services
“This year I am thankful for my wonderful family that supports me from all over the world, and for my dogs who sit at my feet all day and sometimes bark at inopportune times when I try to talk over Google Meet. I am also grateful for MediaMint, whose team is so much fun to be part of!” – Francine, Content Management
“I’m most thankful for the time I’m able to spend with my husband and kids. Given our busy schedules, having time together was always hard, but these past months working from home have remedied that!” – Lakshmi, Client Engagement
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